GLOBAL: Sustainable Performance Tracking Framework for Power Utilities
The objective of the proposed knowledge product is to improve the understanding of the state of the operational, financial, and corporate performance for the power utilities in World Bank client countries, and improve the design of World Bank funded operations supporting utility performance improvement.
The activity will have the following two components:
Component 1: Creating database for tracking performance of power utilities
This component will support establishing a database (in the form of a web portal) to track the performance of power utilities on financial, operational, and possibly corporate governance parameters in World Bank client countries, and benchmark the utilities against their peers. The database will be created with a view to update it every 2-3 years through partnership arrangements with various utility and regulatory associations in the different regions.
Component 2: Analyzing good practices for reform actions in World Bank funded operations
This component will support stocktaking of WB engagements (through all lending instruments and ASAs) and identification of good practice examples of such engagements and their characteristics (e.g. choice of instrument, scope of utility performance measures supported by the operation).