COVID-19 PPP Rapid Response Umbrella Program
Among all the challenges countries are facing as a result of COVID-19, the pandemic presents a major shock to infrastructure. The full impact of the current crisis on the PPP market and private investment in infrastructure is yet to be seen. However, it is critical that governments review infrastructure PPP projects in the sectors most affected by the crisis to understand demand- and supply-side impacts.
To provide governments with strategic short-term advice on the impacts of the pandemic, the Public-Private Infrastructure Advisory Facility (PPIAF) in collaboration with the World Bank’s Infrastructure Finance, PPP & Guarantees (IPG) Group, established a Rapid Response Program. We’re pleased to report that phase one is now ready to deploy.
Through this program, national PPP units, Ministries of Finance, sector ministries, and utilities can request short interventions of remote, targeted technical advice to undertake a fast assessment the impact of COVID-19 on their PPP programs, including:
Stock-take of PPPs at all stages under different potential stress scenarios
Review of PPP contractual provisions to assess potential responses to disruptions caused by COVID-19
Identification and options assessment of associated fiscal impacts
Presentation of options for initial review, of government possible actions at the PPP project or Rapid mobilization of knowledge and resources for PPP policymakers
How Phase One PPIAF Support will work:
The program is established as a call-down facility, where teams of experts with requisite skills and resources will be put together at short notice to undertake the requested assessment. In this way, World Bank Group teams will work with clients to develop a specific scope of work for each country context and request.
The Rapid Response Team composition will depend on the scope of work but will generally consist of:
IPG and World Bank sector staff with relevant country/sector experience to lead the analysis and manage the client relationship;
PPP/Infrastructure Finance Specialist to support the analysis of the possible impacts of COVID-19 on PPP projects as well as potential fiscal implications;
Legal counsel to advise on contractual aspects of the assessment.
Clients should expect a report on the assessment of the impact of COVID-19 on the PPP Portfolio analyzed and recommendations for government action. PPIAF expects to provide support to around 15 countries and be a centrally funded program for an initial six-month period. We will undertake a mid-program review to course-correct, revise, and extend as appropriate. Flexible program management will enable resources to be allocated responsively and revised as appropriate to meet clients’ evolving needs.
If you're interested in support from this program, please contact the World Bank's Country Office in your respective country or email the PPIAF staff via