PPIAF is managed by the Program Management Unit (PMU) housed in the Washington, DC office of the World Bank. PPIAF currently maintains two regional coordination offices in Nairobi and Singapore. The PMU carries out the PPIAF mandate and manages its day-to-day operations. The PMU reports to the Program Council at least quarterly through the Program Council Chair. PPIAF staff consists of the Program Manager, Senior Management team, which consists of Senior Sector Specialists and Regional Program Leads, as well as Regional Portfolio Coordinators and Sector Specialists who oversee and manage PPIAF funded activities.

Jane Jamieson

Ms. Jamieson, a British national, brings over 20 years of technical and managerial experience of delivering infrastructure projects and programs in developing countries. This includes delivering Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs), technical expertise in the water sector, and wide-ranging knowledge of international development policy and practice from living and working in Asia, South America, and Africa. She also manages the Quality Infrastructure Investment Partnership.
Ms. Jamieson joined the World Bank Group in 2010 in IFC’s PPP Advisory Services, where she undertook PPP transactions and business development, primarily in the water sector in Africa. Prior to the World Bank Group, Ms. Jamieson worked at the UK Department for International Development (DFID, now FCDO), where she led DFID’s policy and programs to support private sector participation in infrastructure and acted as Infrastructure Advisor to a range of DFID country programs in Central Asia, China, and Guyana. Ms. Jamieson holds master’s degrees in engineering from the University of Southampton, UK and Ecole Nationale du Génie de l'Eau et de l'Environnement de Strasbourg, France.
Senior Infrastructure Specialists

Ludovic Delplanque

William Davies

Henri Blas

Infrastructure specialists and analysts

Khafi Weekes

Elikia Abraham

Luciana Guimaraes Drummond e Silva

Samuel Baiya

Bailo Diallo

Lorena Meco

Monica Bennett

Sam Barr

Manpreet Kaur Juneja

Candice Nguyen

Katrina Yu

Monitoring, learning and communications

Yulia Lesnichaya

Nina Aoudjhane

Trust Fund management, budget and administration

Rui Ma