How to Engage with the Private Sector in Public-Private Partnerships in Emerging Markets

Published: 2010
Last Updated: 27 Jul 2024
Author:Edward Farquharson, Clemencia Torres de Mästle, E.R. Yescombe, and Javier Encinas

This guide reviews the necessary steps to successfully engage and manage a public-private partnership (PPP) from the early stages. It presents a framework that highlights the requirements, options, and challenges that governments face when embarking into PPPs, and explains how to address them so that a sound PPP program can be implemented and the benefits for both public and private partners can fully materialize.

This book draws on experiences from both mature and developing PPP markets across the world, and case studies illustrate the key messages throughout. It discusses the policies, processes, and institutions needed to select the right projects and then manage preparation for market and operation. It identifies the underlying principles of why and how the various processes are carried out, how a wide range of PPPs can be implemented in different sectors and how legal and administrative systems vary. Particularly important in light of the recent financial crisis, this book provides an introduction to the various approaches to finance projects as well as the policy responses that governments have recently adopted. It also looks at the role and proper selection of advisers to support the government in the preparation, bidding, and monitoring of PPPs.

Notes re specific topic coverage:
due diligence, pp. 124-125;

financing, Chapter 5;

monitoring, pp. 153-158;

project identification, selection, and appraisal, Chapter 4;

procurement process, Chapter 9;

stakeholder engagement, pp. 81-82;

transaction advisors, Chapter 7;

value for money analysis, pp. 41-43;

viability gap funding, pp. 66-67;  

Appendix B provides a “risk register” for a PPP project, providing an example of a risk allocation matrix, and of a qualitative approach to assessing and prioritizing risks.

Document TypeTools & guidelines
File TypePDF
Keywordviability gap funding
TopicTender, Value for Money (VFM), Termination, Dispute Resolution, Procurement, Risk Allocation, Expiration and Handover, Bid Evaluation, Project Identification, Financing, Monitoring, Transaction Advisors, Due Diligence, Stakeholder Engagement, Project Appraisal


Comment susciter l’engagement du secteur privé dans des partenariats public-privé sur les marchés émergents

Le présent ouvrage est un guide pratique des partenariats public-privé (PPP) destiné en particulier aux décideurs et aux stratégistes qui ont besoin de bien comprendre les grandes questions relatives à l’élaboration et au financement de PPP. Cet ouvrage aussi examine le mode de financement le plus courant et offrant le plus de précision en matière de risques, c’est-à-dire le financement de projet, connu aussi sous les expressions de financement « avec droit de recours limité » ou financement « sans droit de recours ». L’ouvrage est organisé par les suivantes sections : les principes fondamentaux des PPP, la sélection et la préparation d’un bon projet de PPP, le financement, les risques encourus par les pro¬jets de PPP, les méthodes de répartition des risques et les structures de projet, le con¬trat signé, les répercussions des crises économiques et financières sur les PPP. En annexe, le lecteur trouvera un résumé des principaux messages adressés aux décideurs publics, un glossaire des termes principaux et une liste de documents et de sites Inter¬net essentiels portant sur les PPP.