PPIAF Annual Report 2020
For over 20 years, PPIAF and its partners, particularly governments, donors, and international development institutions, have worked to build the capacity, regulatory, and institutional framework necessary to stimulate private sector participation (PSP) in infrastructure. PPIAF’s work helps its clients work with the private sector to continue providing financing and operating infrastructure services when systems and economies are under unprecedented strain. The pandemic is not the only challenge facing emerging markets. The same institutions need to be prepared for slower onset challenges that do not appear as pressing, but are equally critical, such as climate change and state-building in fragile, conflict-affected economies. Ensuring that good governance, robust institutions, and smart public and private investment strategies are in place will make a difference in meeting and overcoming these challenges. This Annual report lays out PPIAF’s contributions to a socially, economically, and environmentally sustainable future in the context of these global complexities.
Explore the interactive map to learn more about some of our key activities
PPIAF helped establish regulations for Somalia's ICT sector  a much-needed service in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Even for a middle-income country, urban population growth outstrips the availability of infrastructure funds. PPIAF is finding new funding sources through land value capture.
Burkina Faso
Rural access to renewable energy in one of the world's poorest and most climate-vulnerable countries? Possible through creative business models.
In Kenya, some water utilities are financially viable even though the sector struggles on the whole. PPIAF quantifies sector debts in Kenya to shed light on solutions.
Limited fiscal resources is a common issue for governments. PPIAF is helping Vietnam navigate this challenge with stronger PPP frameworks.
Water scarcity threatens basic survival, and PPIAF is working in Karachi to identify solutions to increase water supply sustainably and leverage private participation.
A fragile country reliant on fossil fuel is looking to renewable energy powered mini-grids to provide access to its people with the help of PPPs and PPIAF.
With a new constitution decentralizing political power and increasing local government responsibility of services, PPIAF is assisting Moroccan cities in developing new financing mechanisms to invest in infrastructure.
Amidst a challenging geopolitical context, Ukraine aspires to connect its people and cities and to connect the country to the world. With the IFC and GIF, PPIAF is helping Ukraine attract investments in its transport networks.