If you spot an error, please let us know by emailing our
support centre. Don't forget to include the page URL and description of the problem. Thank you.
The World Bank Ajay Kumar Senior Transport Economist
1818 H Street, NW, Washington, DC 20433 USA
tel: (202) 473-1000 /
akumar3@worldbank.org /
CPCS TranscoM Carolyn MacKenzie Vice President, Marketing, CPCS Transcom
72 Chamberlain Avenue, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, K1S 1V9
Tel: (613) 237-2500 /
cmackenzie@cpcstrans.com /
Transit Richard Iles 7 Windsor Close, Rustington, West Sussex, England, BN16 3TJ
+44 (0)1903 771432 /
rilestransport@aol.com / Fax: +44 (0)1903 773873
Gordon K Neilson
Neilson Consulting Ltd.
1401 Beverly House, 93-107 Lockhart Road, Hong Kong.
+852 9181 7929 / gneilson@netvigator.com / gordonkneilson (Skype)
Benjamin Darche
Public and Infrastructure Finance Consultant
39 Great Jones St. #3, New York, NY, USA 10012
212.614.2441 / bdarche@aol.com / bdarche(Skype)
CPCS Transcom Ltd.
André Pretto
72 Chamberlain Ave., Ottawa, ON, Canada, K1S 1V9
1-613-237-2500 / apretto@sympatico.ca / www.cpcstrans.com
Information Architecture and Editing Text for Web
Bonsall Communications Matthew Bonsall, CIM, MJ Principal, Bonsall Communications
32 Third Ave., Ottawa, ON, K1S 2J6, Canada
613.761.3871 /
matt@bonsall.ca /
www.bonsall.ca / mattbonsall (Skype)
Design, Layout and Programming
Epton Creative Group Franclin Epton Founding Partner, Epton Creative Group
27 Edina St., Ottawa, ON, K1Y 3P1, Canada
613.728.0077 /
franc@epton.com /