AFRICA: Technical Assistance of Model PPAs and TSAs for use by Participants in CLSG and the North Core Regional Transmission Lines
The governments of Côte d’Ivoire, Liberia, Sierra Leone, and Guinea—the CLSG countries—aim to improve the efficiency of their respective power sectors and boost regional electricity trade. Building on previous work, PPIAF continued to support CSLG countries in the West African Power Pool (WAPP), a group of national electricity companies in West Africa under the auspices of the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS), with activities to develop tools and build government capacity to realize those objectives. Activity outputs included the development of a financial analysis tool that allows the rapid analysis of proposed power purchase agreements, technical and financial training modules, and guidebook content. This knowledge enables CLSG and the North Core region countries (Nigeria, Niger, Burkina Faso, and Benin) to apply international best practices in commercial contracts for the sale and transportation of electricity and strengthen the capacity of utilities and governments to develop, negotiate, and supervise such agreements.