Urban Mobility

Channels support to help cities improve their institutional, financial and regulatory frameworks to create conditions more favorable to PPPs in urban mobility—such as bus rapid transit projects or metro projects.


Activities in this program

MOZAMBIQUE: Private sector participation in urban transport in Greater Maputo
AFRICA: Enhancing Viability of BRT Projects in Sub-Saharan Africa
AFRICA: Feasibility study, block train service on the north-south corridor
COLOMBIA: Support for Bogota's Metro Line 1 Transit Oriented Development (TOD) Strategy
BURKINA FASO: Assessment of private sector participation potential for the provision of public transport services in Bobo Dioulasso
ZAMBIA: Public Transport Improvement Support
MADAGASCAR: Improving Urban Transport in Greater Antananarivo: Restructuring bus operations and revitalizing passenger rail operations
SOUTH AFRICA: Options review for Electric Mobility in the Paratransit Sector
SIERRA LEONE: Supporting enhancement of private sector bus operators in Freetown
HAITI: Support to carry out a diagnostic of private sector involvement in the urban transport sector
MIDDLE EAST AND NORTH AFRICA: Unlocking Opportunities for Private Sector Participation in Electric-Mobility Transition
TAJIKISTAN: Improving Private Sector Participation in Dushanbe’s Urban Transport Sector
PERU: Support the Government of Lima's efforts in increasing private sector participation in e-mobility and sustainable smart urban mobility
MALI: Enhancing efficiency and private sector participation in Bamako bus services
AFRICA: Agenda for informal transit reforms in Sub Saharan Africa cities
PERU: Supporting Private Sector Finance for Smart Traffic Management Systems in Lima
India: Attracting private participation in urban services in Hyderabad
Benin: Sustainable Urban Mobility Project in Grand Nokoué
Peru: Informing Private Sector Mobilization for Smart Traffic Management in Lima
AFRICA: South-South Academia Cooperation – Establishment of a sustainable knowledge sharing platform to explore PSP in transport sector with SSA universities
Philippines: Options and impacts study for piloting High-Quality Bus Services (QBS) in Metro Manila
AFRICA: Management of public transport terminals in Sub-Saharan Africa
THAILAND: PPP for urban transit program with Transit Oriented Development
SOUTH AFRICA: Transforming Minibus Taxi Industry
SRI LANKA: Supporting the decarbonization of the bus transport sector with private capital mobilization solutions
PAKISTAN: Accelerating Electric Vehicle Adoption
JORDAN: Alternatives and Gaps Analysis Study for The Amman-Salt Mass Transit Corridor
PERU: Mobilizing Private Sector Engagement for Sustainable and Smart Urban Transport Solutions
GLOBAL: Toolkit for Urban Bus and Paratransit Reforms with Private Sector Participation