Energy and Climate Program

The program aims to address and alleviate upstream regulatory, policy, and institutional barriers to the deployment of renewable energy and energy efficiency solutions with private sector participation.

Activities in this program

Global: Private sector participation through operations concessions in electricity distribution
EUROPE AND CENTRAL ASIA: Market-based mechanisms for the promotion of renewables, Phase I
DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF CONGO: Mobilizing the private sector for renewable-based electrification of DRC’s unserved and underserved cities
ETHIOPIA: Supporting Improved Service Delivery for Universal Electrification
KENYA: Energy Sector - Support to GDC, KENGEN and KETRACO
KENYA: Support to Solar Energy Development
SUDAN: Strengthening Sudan capacity to attract private sector investment in renewable energy
AFRICA: Developing a Regulatory Framework for Pay-as-you-Go Off-Grid Solar
EUROPE AND CENTRAL ASIA: Western Balkans: Market-based mechanisms for the promotion of renewables, Phase II
PERU: Advisory Support for the Power Sector Modernization Reform in Peru
GAMBIA: Energy Efficiency Strategy for The Gambia
SOUTH AFRICA: Development of Sustainable Financing Mechanisms for Demand-Side Energy Efficiency Market Transformation
EAST ASIA AND PACIFIC: Developing RE Storage System for Pacific Island Countries
NIGERIA: Sustainable Green e-Mobility Solutions
NIGERIA: Power Sector Recovery Program PPAs and Vesting contracts assessment and capacity building support
MIDDLE EAST AND NORTH AFRICA: Unlocking Opportunities for Private Sector Participation in Electric-Mobility Transition
TURKEY: Increasing private sector participation in Turkey's e-mobility transition
BANGLADESH: Enhancing Renewable Energy Investments and Access to Land
LIBERIA: Support for the Restructuring, Management Transition, and Governance Reforms of the Liberia Electricity Corporation
NIGERIA: Support Deployment of Rooftop and Grid-based Solar
MAURITANIA: Regional Electricity Access and Battery Energy Storage Technology (BEST) Project’s activities support for BEST
INDIA: Developing a Compressed Biogas Roadmap
ETHIOPIA: Supporting Innovative Electrification Activities
GHANA: Design of an Effective Private Sector Participation Model for the Electricity Distribution Utility
SERBIA: Support the Government of Serbia to Improve the Regulatory and Institutional Framework for Small-Scale Energy users
ARMENIA: Support the Government of Armenia's High Voltage Electric Networks to Improve Their Creditworthiness
NORTH MACEDONIA: Support for Scaling up Rooftop Solar
LATIN AMERICA AND CARIBBEAN: Supporting the Design of Renewable Energy Facilities in Jamaica and ECCU countries
Indonesia: E-mobility in the Jakarta Region
Mozambique: Power Sector Transition and Reform
Lebanon: Designing Alternative Electricity Distribution Models
Jordan: Support to Jordan Ministry of Finance in Evaluation of Fiscal Risks from Energy Sector Projects
Djibouti: Renewable energy access project
INDIA: Creating an enabling environment for Compressed Bio-Gas projects
LAO PDR: Enhance the financial and operational sustainability of the power sector
MAURITANIA: Private Sector Participation in Renewable Energy Generation
MADAGASCAR: PPP mini grids for electricity and digital services expansion
GEORGIA: Mobilizing Private Capital for the Black Sea Submarine Cable Project
BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA: Private-Sector Participation within Residential and Commercial Renewable Energy Prosumers
KENYA: Renewable Energy and Electricity Access Expansion Support