Welcome to the interactive CD-ROM version of the "Port Reform" Toolkit.
The Port Reform Toolkit is aimed to provide policymakers and practitioners with effective decision support in undertaking sustainable and well-considered reforms of public institutions that provide, direct, and regulate port services in developing countries.
The Toolkit consists of a print version and this interactive CD-ROM version. In both formats, the Toolkit consists of eight modules:
Module 1: | Framework for Port Reform |
Module 2: | The Evolution of Ports in a Competitive World |
Module 3: | Alternative Port Management Structures and Ownership Models |
Module 4: | Legal Tools for Port Reform |
Module 5: | Financial Implications of Port Reform |
Module 6: | Port Regulation: Overseeing the Economic Public Interest in Ports |
Module 7: | Labor Reform and Related Social Issues |
Module 8: | Implementing Port Reform |
This CD-ROM contains the same content found in all eight modules of the print version of the Toolkit. In addition, it contains all the additional materials, references, interactive tools, and links to web sites cited throughout the print version.
This Second Edition of the Port Reform Toolkit has been produced with the financial assistance of a grant from TRISP, a partnership between the U.K.Department for International Development and the World Bank, for learning and sharing of knowledge in the fields of transport and rural infrastructure services.
Financial assistance was also provided through a grant from The Netherlands Transport and Infrastructure Trust Fund (Netherlands Ministry of Transport, Public Works, and Water Management) for the enhancement of the Toolkit’s content, for which consultants of the Rotterdam Maritime Group (RMG) were contracted.
We wish to give special thanks to Christian van Krimpen, John Koppies, and Simme Veldman of the Rotterdam Maritime Group, Kees Marges formerly of ITF, and Marios Meletiou of the ILO for their contributions to this work.
The First Edition of the Port Reform Toolkit was prepared and elaborated thanks to the financing and technical contributions of the following organizations.
The preparation and publishing of the Port Reform Toolkit was performed under the management of Marc Juhel, Ronald Kopicki, Cornelis “Bert” Kruk, and Bradley Julian of the World Bank Transport Division.
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