This module, the third of eight comprising the World Bank’s Port Reform Toolkit, lays out an array of alternative port management and control structures, and explains for each structure the respective roles most likely to be filled by the public and private sectors. It provides a framework for all of the modules by defining the characteristics of specific management structures and the tasks and responsibilities to be performed by private and public sector entities. In particular, it identifies the problems facing port managers when adapting their organizations to the challenges of today’s global market place. The solutions and “tools” suggested in this module are adapted as much as possible to the port manager’s specific situations. Examples have been included illustrating approaches that have been successful, as well as those that have been less than fully successful. This module also notes how ports have adjusted organizational and administrative arrangements due to the strategic shifts and competitive pressures affecting the maritime sector. These developments are described in more detail in Module 2.
Evolution of Port Institutional Frameworks
Port Functions, Services, and Administration Models
Globalization of Terminal Operations
Port Management and Competition
Financing Ports: From a Lender’s Point of View
Modernization of Port Administration
Corporatization of a Port Authority
Contracting Out and Use of Management Contracts
Ports as Transport Chain Facilitators
Marine Services and Port Reform
Vessel Traffic Services and Aids to Navigation
Box 1: “White Elephants” in Port Development
Box 2: Institutional Formats of Greenfield Ports
Box 3: Examples of Port Economic Multiplier Effects
Box 4: Value-Added Development Efforts in the Port of Rotterdam
Box 5: Strengths and Weaknesses of Port Management Models
Box 6: Basic Port Management Models
Box 7: Top 10 Carriers as of June 2006
Box 8: Global Terminal Operators 2005 Throughput League Table
Box 9: Portfolio of the Largest Terminal Operators as of June 2005
Box 10: Elements Influencing Interport Competition
Box 11: Overview of Value-Added Services in Ports
Box 12: Potential for VAL and VAF
Box 13: European Rules on Port Subsidies
Box 14: Categories of Port Assets
Box 15: Multiple Terminal Ownership in Sri Lanka
Box 16: Reasons for Pursuing Port Reform
Box 17: Creation of Commercialized Port Authorities in China
Box 18: The Port of Aqaba: Corporatization and Privatization
Box 19: The Experience of the Hanseatic Landlord Ports
Box 20: Spectrum of Port Reform Tools
Box 21: Comparison of Lease Systems
Box 22: BOT Schemes and Port Development
Box 23: San Martin-Rosario Waterway Concession
Box 24a: Impetus behind Full Privatization in the United Kingdom
Box 24b: Impetus behind Full Privatization...(Continued)
Box 25: Singapore Creates PSA Corporation
Box 26: The Creation of a National Pilotage Monopoly in the Netherlands
Box 27: Prevailing Service Providers under Different Port Management Models